The Hayden Planetarium in New York City was a favorite destination during my childhood. What a thrill it was to watch the sunset and moonrise, see the sky darken and the stars and planets appear while sitting under that huge dome. It was magical! I loved learning star names and watching the instructor’s pointer showing the different constellations. That love of all things celestial has always stayed with me.
One of the most fascinating classes I sat through in my years of Biblical Studies was one based on a book by E.W. Bullinger, titled The Witness of the Stars.
In this work, Bullinger describes his research into Biblical records. Beginning with Psalm 19, which says that “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim the work of His hands,” he says that God wrote the Biblical prophesies in the skies long before the words were ever written in what is now the Bible…that the constellations had a Godly design, and that God revealed the stars’ meanings to Old Testament wise men like Daniel, and the Kings that visited the newborn Christ.
The things I learned then formed the basis for a painting I did recently. It shows a father pointing to the stars, with his arm around a boy, his son. He is sharing with him some awesome things about the Creator of the Heavens.
Perhaps he's telling him about Job, who God talked with at length, and at one point asked him if he was "strong enough to loosen Orion's belt." The constellation of Orion is clearly visible.
When Jesus taught his disciples and referred to Old Testament writings, He would say, “It is written,”
so the title of this work is: “It is Written” in the Stars.
To view or purchase the original painting and see a video describing it, Click here.
Prints of this work are also available. Click here.